Fallout shelter discover locations
Fallout shelter discover locations

fallout shelter discover locations

With this in mind, I know how annoying it can be for the dedicated RPG players out there to have a game in their library they are yet to 100%. This is because the map of Fallout 4 is both vast and varied, easily traversed right up until you are greeted by a raider stronghold that takes 10-20 minutes to clear out, totally knocking the Sole Survivor off their stride and disorientating the player. Now whether you have decided to walk back and forth across the map in a sort of Minesweeper-like pattern or have just randomly explored the Wasteland like a non-crazy person, I am sure that somehow, there are places you have managed to miss, places you are still to add to your discovered locations list. After all, power armor can only do so much to protect you.

fallout shelter discover locations

Right when you think you get the theme and vibe of the game, you walk into a museum only to be greeted by a legendary Deathclaw waiting to devour any hapless adventurer like you. The Fallout videos game series, with emphasis on this game especially, has the ability to lure you into a false sense of security. One of the most beautiful things about jumping into your first playthrough of Fallout 4, or any fallout game for that matter, is the endless possibilities waiting for you out in the Wasteland.

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    Fallout shelter discover locations