Games like fallout shelter for phones
Games like fallout shelter for phones

In addition to Fallout games we have related zombie like DayZ and Walking Dead, in which we find ourselves in the shoes of a character and we have to survive, and also other games related to demons.

games like fallout shelter for phones

This factor already stands out in huge games that were released for the last time in a variety of consoles and computers. You can buy things in the store, but otherwise the game is 100% typical to what was expected of a good title a few years ago.īut the question arises: why was a success? We know that the Fallout Saga, on consoles and computers is a real success, but as the Bethesda know that the phones would be the same? The answer is exactly this: the survival factor. There are no counters, limits wait times or anything. The biggest advantage of this is that Fallout Shelter is a free game without any of the disadvantages that entails. The big news is that the game is an absolute success, dominating the list of most downloaded worldwide. Shelter, you can create various types of buildings, with some of the players may leave the happiest residents with electricity, water, and more. You need to build a good place to keep residents happy and leave them out of the dangers of the Wasteland. The game is a kind of combination of Sim City and XCOM, that his journey the goal is to build a shelter to keep all living residents. Best of all is that players do not need to spend any real for fun, adventure is the free-to-play style. One of the biggest news of E3 2015 for the world of mobile devices was the game Fallout Shelter, a palliative for fans of the series while Fallout IV is not released. One of the companies with the world name, Bethesda, was one of them. More and more companies are betting on creating games to spear them to Android and iOS.

games like fallout shelter for phones

We know that the mobile market is on the rise.

Games like fallout shelter for phones